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2) General Settings

< 1 min read

Hello! You are now on to the second step of your onboarding process.

Next, you will want to make sure your global platform settings are tuned to your preference. Go ahead and navigate to the “Settings” then “General Settings” tab on the left side menu.

Introduction #

The settings tab is where you can find and edit all your global platform settings. There are quite a few settings you can customize, but for now, we provided you with a short list to start with first.

Company Information #

First setting to look over is your Company Information, where you can add/edit your company name, logo, tax ID, and website address.

Taxes #

The next setting you will want to configure is your taxes.

Head to the “Taxes” option on the left settings menu.

Step 1) Add your default tax percentage

Step 2) Add any additional tax groups that are relevant to your store

Application Settings #

Last is Application Settings. This is where you can edit the overall formatting of your platform: